Tarantino Elvis Presley

, por Alexandre Matias

Começo de carreira, muita gente topa qualquer coisa pra conseguir um lugar ao sol. Foi o caso de Quentin Tarantino, que passou por clone de Elvis Presley num episódio esquecido das Super Gatas. Vale assistir à ponta do sujeito, lá pelos cinco minutos do vídeo abaixo. Tarantino tá de blaser bege, mas esperem os Elvis dançar que fica fácil reconhecê-lo:

Anos mais tarde, ele ainda tentaria dar algum glamour ao acontecido, em uma entrevista à Playboy em 1994:

You once appeared as an Elvis impersonator on The Golden Girls. Do you consider that a high point or the nadir of your acting career?
Well, it was kind of a high point because it was one of the few times that I actually got hired for a job. I was one of 12 Elvis impersonators, really just a glorified extra. For some reason they had us sing Don Ho’s Hawaiian Love Chant. All the other Elvis impersonators wore Vegas-style jumpsuits. But I wore my own clothes, because I was, like, the Sun Records Elvis. I was the hillbilly cat Elvis. I was the real Elvis; everyone else was Elvis after he sold out.


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