“Maracatu Atômico” pra turista

, por Alexandre Matias


David Correy é um desses cantores de cover participa desses programas de calouros de hoje em dia, desses que o parâmetro de boa cantora é a Mariah Carey, e resolveu aproveitar-se da ascendência pernambucana (ele nasceu no Recife) para ganhar um troco traduzindo para o inglês o clássico “Maracatu Atômico” de Jorge Mautner, imortalizado por Chico Science. Nem preciso dizer o quanto ficou ridículo – basta ouvir:

E se você acha que não dá pra piorar, saca só abaixo a transcrição da letra pro inglês, uma versão que parece ter sido feita no tradutor do Google, de tão literal.

Have you ever watched a hummingbird kiss a flower
And how all of mother nature cries of love
And he who holds the key has it all, has it all
So here comes the power of the atomic maracatu

Out behind the skyscraper is a dome, is a dome
And then out there is another starless sky
And on top of the umbrella, oh the rain must have rain
Droplets that look so lovely that all you think of is to drink it

Along the fields of spring is a flower, is a flower
More alive than any flower you could know
And inside the glove compartment there’s the glove, there’s a glove
That someone as sharp as sharks or saints forgot they ever put it there

We only feel the bottom of the sun and its rays
As they fall through the dark clouds of space
And every frame is black it’s all black all black
I write your name, you know I love you, then it fades, it’s all the same

Dica do Paulo Rená (valeu!).

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