Um medley com temas de seriado

Ficou bem massa.

Lost no Family Guy

É como eu digo: a melhor coisa do Família da Pesada são essas cenas que não dizem respeito à história principal dos episódios.

Banda Calypso é indicada ao Nobel da Paz

Ri não!

BELÉM (PA) – Joelma e Chimbinha vão dominar o mundo. A banda Calypso acaba de ser indicada ao Prêmio Nobel da Paz “por seu relevante trabalho humanitário em prol dos carentes da região Norte”, segundo a nota oficial do Comitê da Paz.

O coquetel de lançamento da indicação aconteceu ontem, no salão Uirapuru, do Hotel Hilton, com a presença do Bispo João Pedro Nascimento, presidente do Comitê da Paz.

O evento, que segue até o dia 15 de fevereiro, será encerrado com o “Show e Copa da Paz”, um jogo de futebol e uma apresentação beneficente da banda Calypso, que será realizada no Mangueirão. O valor do ingresso ainda não foi divulgado.

A banda Calypso não foi localizada para comentar a notícia. O Comitê da Paz, ONG atuante na área de Direitos Humanos, é oriundo dos Boinas Azuis, que foram agraciados com o Prêmio Nobel da Paz edição 1988, pela missão humanitária nos idos dos anos 1957 a 1967, na Faixa de Gaza, Batalhão de Suez.

Alan Moore vê TV

A Wizard entrevistou o Alan Moore sobre seus televisão e ele falou sobre alguns dos seriados favoritos aqui. Ele curte The Wire e South Park, não gostou do Family Guy ter pego leve com o Guerra nas Estrelas (“uma sátira aprovada!”, reclama), não gosta de Lost e Heroes e tem um mau presságio sobre o fim de Battlestar Galactica, além de comentar como funciona parte do entretenimento antes.

“It’s probably one of the best pieces of television I’ve ever seen. The only problem with it is that it makes everything else looks kind of sad and poorly written and poorly conceived. The fact is, that as, I think [series creator] David Simon justifiably says somewhere on the closing extra features,’ ‘Everything we raised, we resolved.’ And just that simple statement explains why ‘The Wire’ is so far ahead of any other television that I’ve seen. Every tiny little thing, even inconsequential things that were raised in the first series, were incredibly, dramatically resolved by the end of the fifth. It bears going back and watching again, probably several times.”

“I have seen the first half of the final series of ‘Battlestar Galactica.’ It’s well done, but I’ll reserve judgment until I’ve seen the final episodes, because it could, as with so many of these things, end up as a bit of a mess. It seemed that they got a bit self-conscious about making some kind of political analogies that ended up being a bit confusing and ham fisted and perhaps spoiling. I feel that the big problem with most of these programs is that people start off with the good beginnings of an idea. That is disastrous because that is enough to get a show commissioned. So you’ve got the beginnings of a good idea and if it’s not brought to its conclusion properly, it won’t be a good idea at all; it’ll be a waste of everybody’s time. It’ll be a waste of the creator’s time, and more importantly it’ll be a complete waste of the audience’s time. I mean, if you have been following a show expecting it to have a kind of payoff and you’ve been following it for three or four seasons and then at the end, it turns out Bobby Ewing comes out of the shower and one of the characters wakes up and says, ‘Oh, Bobby, I’ve just had the most strange dream!’ You know? There’s a lot of hours, days of your life that you’re never gonna get back again, you know? So if people are gonna invest this much time and enthusiasm, genuine enthusiasm, in these shows, I really think that they ought to pay off. The writers ought to know what the end is; at least the important parts of it before they start and not do anything that is gonna turn out to be irrelevant, pointless or just a confusing red herring.”

“I saw the first few episodes and there were already so many inconsistencies where all the writer would have had to have done was check back to the previous episode. I have no confidence in them knowing where they are going. I think they’re just thinking of weird things week by week.”

SOUTH PARK (Comedy Central)
“I’m very much enjoying the editions of ‘South Park’ that I’ve seen. I think that those guys have got real moral integrity, you know? They really have. They’re kind of fearless. I wouldn’t agree with everything that they say, but God bless them for saying it. I think [Trey] Parker and [Matt] Stone are real troopers. They’re really good.”

“I enjoy ‘The Family Guy’ and ‘American Dad’ stuff that I see. We only get them in dribs and drabs. You do tend to sigh a little bit when it gets to, ‘Boy, this is almost as bad as the time when Peter…’ blah, blah, blah fill in the clip. But at the same time, they do some bits that are kind of wonderful. I thought that the soft shoe shuffle of the Dumpster Babies [‘Airport ’07’ episode] was a memorable moment. On the other hand, I did watch the first five or ten minutes of that ‘Family Guy: Blue Harvest,’ and I thought it was rubbish. It was too cozy with George Lucas. It was an approved satire, and how toothless is that? But they’ve had their moments. They’ve done some good stuff. You can’t expect people to do brilliant stuff all the time. Although, actually, I still do.”

“I saw the last episode of Season One where the flying superhero [Peter Petrelli] and his brother, the exploding superhero [Nathan Petrelli], have a little moment and a bit of a hug and then the flying guy takes the exploding guy up into the atmosphere above New York where he undergoes a nuclear explosion to the great relief of all the spectators. You know, again, it wouldn’t have taken much. All you’d have had to do, as I understand it, and I speak as somebody who doesn’t actually have an Internet connection and has very little idea what an Internet connection is, but I understand there is this thing called ‘Google’ and that apparently you just have to put a couple of words into it and magically it will provide all your reference for you. You don’t even have to get up out of your seat. If you’d have just put, ‘nuclear explosion,’ say, into Google then I’m sure that somewhere in that it would have explained that an air burst is much, much, much, much, much, much worse than a ground burst. I hope that if that unlikely situation should ever come about, I hope that the superpowered beings who will presumably be around to save us from it are perhaps a bit more intelligent, otherwise we’re doomed. So no, I’m not a big fan of ‘Heroes,’ got to say.”