Todo o show: Radiohead ao vivo no Jools Holland, em 2001
No dia 9 de junho de 2001, o Radiohead fez a seguinte apresentação no programa de Jools Holland, via BBC:
Sente o setlist:
“The National Anthem”
“Morning Bell”
“Packt Like Sardines In A Crushd Tin Box”
“No Surprises”
“Dollars & Cents”
“Life In A Glass House” com Humphrey Lyttleton
“Exit Music (For A Film)”
“I Might Be Wrong”
“Street Spirit (Fade Out)”
“Paranoid Android”
“Everything In Its Right Place”
“Pyramid Song”
“Talk Show Host”
“You And Whose Army?”
“How To Disappear Completely”
“Knives Out”
“The Bends”