E se a inteligência artificial ampliasse capas de discos brasileiras?

No Twitter, o Jéferfon Menezes publicou o resultado das provocações que fez a um programa de inteligência artificial para que este completasse capas de discos clássicos brasileiros para além de suas fronteiras visuais – e como essa tal de IA viaja…

Veja os outros abaixo:  

Vida Fodona #777: Começando o Carnaval 2023

Abrindo o carnaval logo na sexta-feira com o Baile à Fantasia das Noites Trabalho Sujo mais uma vez com a Espetacular Charanga do França, desta vez no Cine Cortina, a partir das 20h. Vamos lá? Enquanto isso, a trilha é essa.

Ouça aqui:  

Vida Fodona #546: E segue o baile


Pedra que rola…

Você sabia que o Geraldo Vandré é tio – torto, mas tio – do Ricardo Villalobos?

Essa quem soprou foi o Camilo. Em entrevista ao site Resident Advisor, o DJ germano-chileno e papa do minimal, declarou ter um vínculo mais profundo com a música brasileiro do que seus sets intermináveis no D-Edge.

All of the records that come out on “Sei Es Drum” come out because they have to come out. The stuff that comes out on the label doesn’t have to be high electronic product. It is product for the people, for everyone. We are playing a lot of tracks before they are published. Most of them are not published, in fact. We have a net of friends, some Romanian DJs, some German DJs that have these tracks and play them out. And then suddenly it’s clear that such and such a track has to come out. This track is necessary.

The Reboot track was done when he was in South America. He met with some of my friends in Sao Paulo, and they gave him a CD of Brazilian folk music. One of the songs was written by an uncle of mine— Geraldo Vandré —he was married to the sister of my father. It was a protest song in Brazil against the dictatorship in power; he went to jail after playing it. A Brazilian named Simone was the first person to sing it after a number of years, and while it was a bit risky for her, she did a cover version. It was during a TV program, so the recording isn’t very good but it has a lot of the atmosphere.

Reboot got this track by coincidence on the CD, and fell in love with it and made a track with it in Argentina. Two days later we met in a hotel in another city in Argentina and we played each other some tracks. When he said that my friends had given him this CD, and that he had made something, I knew that it was this one.

So we began to play this track out, and it was always devastating. But we couldn’t bring it out because I couldn’t find a contact for my uncle. (He separated from my aunt, and she had died ten years ago.) But we decided to release it anyway. I put his name on it, and now we are finally sorting out the financial stuff. The label, though, is not something we do to make money. Putting vinyl out these days is a romantic thing. Otherwise no one would do it anymore.

A faixa em questão é “Caminando”, do compadre de Villalobos, Reboot. Mas, longe de qualquer reinvenção espiritualizada do original, ouvimos um mashup bem tosco de uma base qualquer nota com a versão da Simone para o clássico “Para Não Dizer Que Não Falei de Flores”. A música é horrenda, ouça por sua conta e risco.

Reboot – “Caminando