As 75 melhores músicas de 2020: 62) Childish Gambino + Ariana Grande – “Time”

“But one thing’s for certain, baby, we’re running out of time…”

As 75 melhores músicas de 2020: 45) Jamie Xx – “Idontknow”

“Must be happy”

As 75 melhores músicas de 2020: 29) Thurston Moore – “Hashish”

“She’s my only friend, my soul, my hope”

As 75 melhores músicas de 2020: 12) Bruno Schiavo – “Amores Incríveis”

“Mensagens do acaso dispersas na matéria viva do absurdo”

As 75 melhores músicas de 2020: 61) Classixx – “What’s Wrong With That? (Silly Love Songs Rework)”

“I’d like to know, ‘cause here I go again…”

As 75 melhores músicas de 2020: 44) Mahmundi – “Sem Medo”

“Tudo é pra aprender, tudo é pra evoluir”

As 75 melhores músicas de 2020: 27) Letrux – “Salve Poseidon”

“Nossa roda de invocação”

As 75 melhores músicas de 2020: 11) Taylor Swift + Bon Iver – “Exile”

“I think I’ve seen this film before and I didn’t like the ending”

As 75 melhores músicas de 2020: 60) Hayley Williams – “Taken”

“It’s easy to see how people stop believing, ‘cause everyone I know’s got a broken heart”

As 75 melhores músicas de 2020: 43) Ana Frango Elétrico – “Mulher Homem Bicho”

“Nosso amor é agora”