Parque Adam Yauch, em Nova York
Este fim de semana marcou um ano (já?) da morte de Adam “MCA” Yauch, o beastie boy da voz rouca cuja morte antecipou o fim de uma de nossas bandas favoritas. E a principal homenagem à importância do rapper aconteceu na sexta-feira passada, quando o departamento de parques e recreações do Brooklyn nova-iorquino decidiu lembrar a memória de Yauch ao rebatizar o Palmetto Playground, perto da região em que MCA cresceu, como Adam Yauch Park. O compadre Adam Horowitz – o Ad-Rock – esteve presente na cerimônia e discursou para agradecer a lembrança o velho amigo de banda:
Abaixo, a transcrição em inglês da fala de Ad-Rock:
“Seeing Marty Markowitz rap – it was great, but not as great as Adam’s parents rapping at Adam and Dechen’s wedding. If you were at the wedding, you know that was pretty great.”
“I want to thank first the fine people for everything today, everybody from the Parks Department, Adrian Benepe, John Silva, Frances Yauch, Steve Martin; but most of all I want to thank my sister Rachel. She really made this happen, and now she’s gonna make me cry.”
“It’s fitting that we’re here today to dedicate a playground to Adam Yauch because like the Wu-Tang Clan, Beastie Boys is for the children. I was trying to think of what to say today, and I was thinking what it means to be a New York kid: People come to New York to be themselves, to express themselves and to be who they want to be. And although Adam’s mom Frances is a New York kid herself, his father Noel came to New York to be himself. And together they raised a New York kid, Adam Yauch, and Noel and Frances raised him right. They taught Adam to be curious, thoughtful, kind and just enough crazy – that craziness that is New York. That New York frenetic energy: It’s musical, artful and always moving forward. And that’s not only Brooklyn, that’s Adam Yauch. And Adam and his wife Dechen raised a daughter Losel, a New York kid that’s equally talented, curious and utterly awesome.”
“In life you don’t really get to chose your family, your siblings – you get what you’re given. I got lucky cause I got two great sisters and two great brothers, but I got extra lucky because around 1982, I got the chance to choose two other brothers: Mike Diamond and Adam Yauch. And together our families have grown. I’d like to thank the New York Parks Department and the people of Brooklyn for honoring my friend and brother, and recognizing how cool it is to have an Adam Yauch park for other crazy New York kids.”
A transcrição veio da Rolling Stone gringa e a foto do Parque saiu do blog da Whitney Matheson.
Tags: adam yauch, beastie boys, nova york