Olha as idéia…
A Revista do New York Times fez uma retrospectiva de 2007 a partir das idéias que apareceram no ano. Sente o nível.
Airborne Wind Turbines
Alzheimer’s Telephone Screening
Ambiguity Promotes Liking
Appendix Rationale, The
Best Way to Deflect an Asteroid, The
Biodegradable Coffins
Biofuel Race, The
Braille Tattoo, The
Cardboard Bridge, The
‘Cat Lady’ Conundrum, The
Climate Conflicts
Community Urinalysis
Craigslist Vengeance
Criminal Recycling
Culinary Orientalism
Death of Checkers, The
Digital Search Parties
Edible Cocktail, The
Electric Hockey Skate, The
Faces Decide Elections
Fake Tilt-Shift Photography
Fish-Flavored Fish
God Effect, The
Handshake Sex Appeal
Height Tax, The
Honeycomb Vase, The
Hope Can Be Worse Than Hopelessness
Iconic-Performance-Network Player, The
Indie-Rock Musicals
Interstellar Ramadan
Jogging Politique
Knot Physics
Lap-Dance Science
Left-Hand-Turn Elimination
Lightning Farms
Lite-Brite Fashion
Marijuana Mansions
Mindful Exercise
Minimal Chair, The
Mob Jurisprudence
Murphy Balcony, The
Next Violin, The
Office-Chair Exercise (for Men and Women)
Pixelated Stained Glass
Pop Fecundity
Posthumous E-Mail
Postnuptial Agreements
Prison Poker
Quitting Can Be Good for You
Radiohead Payment Model, The
Right to Medical Self-Defense, The
Rock-Paper-Scissors Is Universal
Second-World Solidarity
Self-Righting Object, The
Smog-Eating Cement
Starch Made Us Human
Suing God
Telltale Food Wrapping
24/7 Alibi, The
Two-Birds-With-One-Stone Resistance
Unadapted Theatrical Adaptation, The
Wave Energy
Weapon-Proof School Gear
Wireless Energy
Youtube (Accidental) Audition, The
Zygotic Social Networking
E, calma, que a retrospectiva do Sujo começa na semana que vem!