O significado do monolito de 2001
E falando no Kubrick, a Izadora passou a dica dessa ótima resenha sobre 2001, feita pelo professor de filosofia Pedro Blas Gonzalez. O texto, em inglês, é meio cabeçudo, principalmente na introdução, mas depois engrena bem. O trecho que cito, no entanto, é justamente da introdução academicista:
Cinema is a fine example of a field that from its earliest and rudimentary beginning has evolved beyond the wildest expectations of its originators. Even an informal survey of the thousands of films that have been made makes one privy to the qualitative complexities that all creative enterprise encounters.
When there was very little to rely on by way of technology, directors mostly embraced imagination and the inherent value of storytelling. But with the advent and frantic pace of technological development, more directors have come to rely less on storytelling and more on technology itself. It is fair to say that today a great number of films are nothing more than a sophomoric dare to prove that special effects alone can create cinema.
Dica da Izadora.
Tags: 2001, kubrick