
Newt Gingrich sobre Julian Assange: “Devemos tratá-lo como um combatente inimigo”

Uma declaração rápida de um dos políticos conservadores mais influentes dos EUA (no vídeo acima, a partir de, er, 4:20):

“Two quick thoughts: The WikiLeaks guy should be in jail for the rest of his life. He is an enemy of the United States, actively endangering people, and he’s gonna get a lot of folks killed. And I think that’s a despicable act, and we should treat him as an enemy combatant, and as an absolute enemy of the United States.”

“Second, I’m proud that Secretary Clinton actually cared about national security, actually was trying to gather intelligence. And I wish we had more aggressive leaders in the Obama administration who thought that defending America was their first job, and being liked by foreigners was a far distant second. So I think that she ought to be praised for trying to gather intelligence, not in any way attacked or condemned.

“And no one from WikiLeaks should feel comfortable the rest of their lives. These are bad people doing bad things, and they’re gonna get Americans and our allies killed. And we should recognize that, and recognize that it is in effect an act of war against the United States.”

Via Talking Points Memo.