Essa é muito boa! Ele conta a história inteira em seu blog no Seattle Weekly. Sublinhei os melhores trechos:
Rock and roll has been proclaimed dead countless times. After a slump, rock usually bounces back in a wave of new bands and sounds. Things are different today: Rock has found new life with video games, and the phenomenon is leading to a revival of bands that have been around for a long time.
I had my first experience with a video game when I was around 10 years old. It was called Pong. The contest was between two rectangular “paddles” that could only slide up and down the edges of a TV screen. Between them we bounced a small square dot—the ping pong ball—back and forth.
In high school, I jumped into the arcade game craze of the early 1980s. The game that I really enjoyed was Asteroids (and its successor, Asteroids Deluxe). I got pretty good at piloting the little ship and blasting the random asteroids, tiny flying saucers, and pods that threatened my existence in outer space. (Well, the virtual space I could afford for each 25 cents I dropped in the coin slot.)
More recently, while walking through a one-stop shopping center, I encountered the Rock Band 2 video game. It was set up on display for customers to try.
I know about Rock Band, because Nirvana has some songs on it. I had never tried the game before, so I gave it a go. I worked through the menu and found the song “In Bloom.” I picked up the little guitar-shaped controller and hit the stage.
I knew the bass line to the song, of course, but I couldn’t quite master this new, different way of playing it.
The game reminded me of Space Invaders. I tried to hit the notes cascading down the screen, but could barely keep up.
Meanwhile, this kid was watching me fumble with the game. I became self-conscious and took the controller off. I handed it to him, and he proceeded to jam on the song—and was really good! He had no idea that I was the musician he was emulating on the game, and I didn’t tell him.
Life goes on: I walked away to buy some paint supplies, groceries, and other items from the store.
Regardless of my first experience with the game as a player, I’m loving Rock Band. Instead of file sharing, people are actually buying music again! HA!!!
Putting that issue aside, I like how the game makes the player focus on certain components of the music. When I listen to songs, I’ll usually tune my ear to the bass line. With Rock Band, you can do that, but also see the procession of notes.
Music is a living thing. It’s fun to revisit songs in different forms. For instance, hearing the Beatles’ 2006 album Love, a mash-up of their classic tunes, is like listening to this seminal group for the first time! Love takes the sounds and instruments that were buried in the original mix and puts them up front.
Electronica remixes can also result in a complete reinvention of a song. (By the way—can we have more electronica on the radio?)
Good music, film, paintings, books, and other forms of expression draw you into them. The excitement and power of rock fits well with the dynamic new world created by video games. The virtual universe is interactive, providing sensations that are real. Keep on rocking in the free world!!!!!!!
Olha o drama dessa matéria de games do Terra que eu pesquei via Cardoso:
O presidente eleito Barack Obama deu um Nintendo Wii de Natal para suas filhas e tem praticado boliche no Wii Sports. Até que é legal, mas gostaria que ele tivesse um Xbox e jogasse Call of Duty 4 em multiplayer.
Ao que parece, ele é melhor no Wii Bowling do que no boliche de verdade, o que não deve ser tão difícil, já que ele é horrível no boliche de verdade. De qualquer maneira, são grandes as chances de ele nunca mais brincar com o Wii após a semana que vem. E, diferente do que ocorre com a maioria das pessoas que param de jogar o Wii após algumas semanas, Obama deve fazer isso porque ele será o presidente dos EUA e estará superocupado, não porque o Wii é meio que uma droga.
E com a chancela Gizmodo. Que pérola.
E tem essas outras estampas camisetas que ele fez…
Caso você tenha passado batido pelo item sobre games mais aguardados para 2009 do Leitura Aleatória anterior, deixa eu sublinhar esse trecho pra você…
The Beatles Game (Multiplatform)
We don’t know what it’ll look like, how it’ll play or even what it’ll be called. But Harmonix’s collaboration with The Beatles is the odds-on favorite to be the biggest thing to happen to videogames, and maybe even music, in 2009.
The creators of Guitar Hero and Rock Band have turned millions of gamers into faux rockers with plastic instruments, letting non-musicians experience the joy of jamming. And what better way to put on a show in your living room than with the legendary music of the greatest band of all time? Harmonix is forgoing Rock Band 3 this year to concentrate its efforts on re-creating the Fab Four’s music in interactive form. Even if this were just downloadable content for Rock Band, it would be one of the best things to happen this year. As a standalone game, it’ll be unstoppable. (As long as Harmonix includes an option to sing the entire B side of Abbey Road without stopping, I’ll be happy.)
Além da foto ser foda.
É velho, mas é bom lembrar.
Lindaço. Pena que acaba no começo dessa década – e de uma forma abrupta.
Dica da Ju.
Falei de Apple e de games: aproveitando o assunto, vocês já notaram alguma semelhança?
Recriando uma cena clássica do Tom Cruise na propaganda nova do Guitar Hero, mas o ponto não é esse, perceba: