E por falar em “Sampa”…

, por Alexandre Matias

A Folha, a Veja, o Fasano, a Daslu, a Sala São Paulo, o Museu da Língua Portuguesa – tudo isso faz pensar em quanto Sampa é influente e interessante. O Oficina, Os Titãs, Os Racionais, a poesia concreta, o Hurtmold, o Nouvelle Cuisine, Céu, Tiê, Mariana Aidar, mil coisas fazem pensar que Sampa hoje é, como dizia John Lennon sobre Nova Iorque, “where it’s at”.

Caetano discorre sobre o papel central de São Paulo ma cultura brasileira. A foto é do post do Michael Azerrad, o autor de Our Band Could Be Your Life, sobre a cidade, em que ele diz:

It’s modern primitive here — modern enough, for instance, for everyone to have cars and pollute the air and water on a grand scale, but primitive enough that they don’t have the funds, diligence or will to clean it up, much less build a comprehensive mass transit system. (They do, however, use alcohol-based fuel.) No wonder that a horrible brown haze, visible within 200 yards, constantly enveloped the city. The mind-boggling thing is, there are São Paulos all over the planet: ever-spreading behemoths like Beijing, Cairo, Mexico City, Calcutta, Jakarta, Los Angeles, Karachi, Manila, and on and on. I have seen the future, and it is São Paulo.

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