Com um elenco composto basicamente de atores que começaram a aparecer há poucos anos, esse American Hustle promete…
Essa versão que o ator Miles Fischer, do Mad Men, fez para “This Must Be the Place”, do Talking Heads, não homenageia apenas o filme Psicopata Americano. Repare com quem ele se parece no clipe:
Exato! Parece o Tom Cruise, que ele já tinha sacaneado na paródia Super-Herói – O Filme.
Mais engraçado do que isso é descobrir que o personagem interpretado por Christian Bale em Psicopata Americano foi inspirado no próprio Tom Cruise, como a diretora do filme, Mary Harron, revelou em uma entrevista na semana passada:
How did you and Christian Bale develop his character in American Psycho?
It was definitely a process. We talked a lot, but he was in L.A. and I was in New York. We didn’t actually meet in person a lot, just talked on the phone. We talked about how Martian-like Patrick Bateman was, how he was looking at the world like somebody from another planet, watching what people did and trying to work out the right way to behave. And then one day he called me and he had been watching Tom Cruise on David Letterman, and he just had this very intense friendliness with nothing behind the eyes, and he was really taken with this energy.
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