Anonymous x Irmandade Muçulmana

, por Alexandre Matias

O novo alvo do grupo de hackers Anonymous é a Irmandade Muçulmana que, segundo o grupo, “está esperando tomar o poder no Egito para tornar uma nova revolução impossível”, comparando o grupo com a Igreja da Cientologia e frisando a separação entre a Irmandade Muçulmana e o islamismo. Segue a íntegra do anúncio, em inglês, que agenda o ataque para a próxima sexta-feira:

Citizens of the World,

We are Anonymous.

Ever since its revolution that shook the world, Egypt has had its fate undecided. Predators who seek to control are waiting to strike at the right moment. They are waiting to take over the country and make it so that another revolution is impossible. We cannot allow this.

The Muslim Brotherhood has become a threat to the revolution Egyptians had fought for, some with their lives. They seek to destroy the sovereignty of the people of Egypt as well as other nations including the United States.

We will not allow this to happen.

The Muslim Brotherhood is a threat that must be dealt with.

This is not a threat towards the religion of Islam. The Muslim Brotherhood, as well as terrorist organizations affiliating with the religion, defiled and destroyed the very essence of what the religion preaches. Therefore, the Muslim Brotherhood does not represent the true ideas of Islam. In our collective, many of us are Muslim, yet we fight against the corruption in society and the injustice that comes with it.

Infused with its blatant, corrupt ways, the Brotherhood is now a threat to the people.

Therefore, Anonymous has decided to destroy the Muslim Brotherhood. We shall proceed to dismantle any form of its organization from the Internet. Nothing will stop us. We will show no mercy.

Operation Brotherhood Takedown, engaged.

We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not Forgive.
We do not Forget.
Expect Us.

Vi no Examiner. Não custa lembrar que, na semana passada, o braço mexicano do Anonymous ameaçou entregar os nomes dos envolvidos no tráfico de drogas local, mas voltou atrás pouco depois

Não custa lembrar também que até há pouco mais de um ano sequer sabíamos da existência do Anonymous. Aliás, há pouco mais de um ano estávamos começando a nos acostumar a ouvir falar num certo Julian Assange…

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