A reta final de Breaking Bad
Revelados os nomes e sinopses dos episódios da segunda parte da última temporada de Breaking Bad. Leia a relação abaixo (em inglês) por sua conta e risco:
Episode 510 — “Buried”: While Skyler’s (Anna Gunn) past catches up with her, Walt covers his tracks. Jesse continues to struggle with his guilt.
Episode 511 — “Confessions”: Jesse decides to make a change, while Walt and Skyler try to deal with an unexpected demand.
Episode 512 — “Rabid Dog”: An unusual strategy starts to bear fruit, while plans are set in motion that could change everything. (Note: Every season of “Breaking Bad” has featured an episode whose title contains an animal name.)
Episode 513 — “To’hajiilee”: Things heat up for Walt in unexpected ways. (The title is the name of a Navajo reservation in New Mexico.)
Episode 514 — “Ozymandias”: Everyone copes with radically changed circumstances. (Named after the Shelley poem about the inevitable fall of kings and empires.)
Episode 515 — “Granite State”: Events set in motion long ago move toward a conclusion. (The Granite State is New Hampshire. Is this when we catch up to the events seen in “Live Free or Die”?)
Episode 516 — “Felina”: The series finale. (“Felina” is an anagram for “finale” and also is related to the word feline.)
Vi aqui. E Breaking Bad volta no início de agosto, dia 11. Façam suas apostas!
Tags: breaking bad